Welcome to the CDA Copper Alloys API.

CDA maintains a vast repository of technical and commercial data about copper alloys, their uses, properties, and companies that sell, install, and maintain products made of these materials.

As an active member of UNS and a vital member of the copper industry, CDA is responsible for actively curating and managing this information about hundreds of alloys, their beneficial properties and uses, and making this information available to professionals and the general public.


Use CDA Data with Our API

In keeping with our mission, we can now make this data available to qualified companies and organizations to use for their own purposes by accessing the data contained in our databases via our API. You can have full access to the most complete and up-to-date information about every registered copper alloy, their inherent properties, many uses, and information about the fabricators who produce the materials for sale, and using the API, re-publish that information via your web site, app, or other forms of digital distribution that are most suitable for your organization.

To obtain a free license to use the API, please fill out the following form.

For a complete reference on the API, see our documentation page.